Drip Campaigns


What are drip campaigns?


Simply put, drip campaigns are a series of automated emails that marketers send to their mailing list over a predetermined length of time.


If you wish to learn more about this topic, check out the FAQ section below:


Question #1: What are drip campaigns used for?


Drip campaigns are typically used for informing, nurturing, marketing, and selling to leads on an email list.


An example of an informative drip campaign would be the series of onboarding emails sent to someone who just signed up on a social media platform. Each email typically contains a quick tip on how the user can make the most of their experience on the site.


As for nurturing drip campaigns, on the other hand, an example would be a series of fitness recipes sent to someone who just signed up for a gym membership. The goal is to make the client valued even when they are not training in the gym.


For marketing drip campaigns, an example would be a series of emails meant to build hype around an upcoming event or product launch.


Finally, an example of a sales drip campaign would be a series of upsell or promotional emails sent to someone who just made a purchase from an online store. The goal is to get the engaged customer who already showed strong interest in what you have to sell to make a follow up purchase.


Aside from these, however, you can use drip campaigns for virtually any other purpose you could think of, as long as the content can be broken down and presented in a series of emails.


Question #2: How do I implement drip campaigns?


You can implement drip campaigns using any email marketing software or platform that allows you to set up automated email sequences. All you have to do is craft all emails in advance and schedule them. The system will handle the rest.


If you have segmented your mailing list into different groups (e.g., new leads and paying customers), you can also choose which groups to send your drip campaigns to.


But what if you want to launch a drip campaign that is specifically targeted to a brand-new customer segment? How do you go about doing so?


Well, there are several ways you can get the leads you want, including:


  • Offering a lead magnet via Google or social media ads
  • Putting lead magnets on your website
  • Running a contest or promo


Question #3: How many emails do drip campaigns contain?


There is no magic number when it comes to how many emails drip campaigns should contain. As a general rule, however, you should only send as many emails as necessary to get your message across and not one more.


Question #4: How do I implement effective drip campaigns?


To implement effective drip campaigns, you need to first figure out what your target audience wants and/or needs and then craft your campaign around it. This is the only way you will be able to deliver content that your audience wants to actually consume.


Question #5: What is the difference between drip campaigns and automated emails?


The main difference between drip campaigns and automated emails is that the former is static in terms of content and structure while the latter is more tailored to the situation.


As we have seen earlier, drip campaigns consist of precrafted emails that are sent to a preselected audience according to a predetermined schedule. In contrast, automated emails, while also precrafted, are only sent out as a response to specific triggers.


Examples include:


  • Thank you emails sent to customers who make a purchase
  • Confirmation emails sent to users who change their passwords
  • Abandoned cart emails sent to customers who fail to complete their purchase
  • Message received emails sent to users who use the contact form on a website
  • Verification emails sent to users who create an account