Email Leads


What are email leads?

Simply put, email leads are prospects whose email addresses (and other contact information) you have collected with their consent via some kind of form.

If you want a more in-depth understanding of this topic, check out the FAQ section below:

Question #1: How do I collect email leads?

There are many ways to collect email leads, including:

  • Using lead magnets
  • Running promos or contests
  • Running an online store
  • Putting up a contact form on your website
  • Using a chatbot

Let us take a look at each one in more detail:

First, you can put up lead magnets such as discounts, free webinars, free reports, free consultations, and other types of relevant freebies, which interested prospects can claim in exchange for their contact information. This is one of the most common techniques marketers use to build their mailing lists.

Second, you can run promos or contests where participants are required to submit their information to join. Keep in mind, though, that this approach exposes you to the risk of attracting prize hunters who do not actually care about your brand. So, you might have to run them to some sort of filter to verify their interest before adding them to your main mailing list.

Third, running an online store is one of the easiest ways to collect email leads. Not only is everyone who makes a purchase required to submit their contact information, but they are also clearly already interested in what you have to offer. All you really have to do is give them a little nudge during checkout.

Fourth, you can also use the contact form on your website to collect email leads. Just make sure that you get explicit permission from the prospect before adding them to your mailing list. Otherwise, they might end up reporting you for sending spam.

Finally, you can also use a chatbot to collect email leads. However, just like with using your website’s contact form, you also need to get explicit permission from the prospect in case you decide to go with this approach.

Question #2: How do I nurture my email leads?

There are many ways to nurture your email leads, including:

  • Sending them exclusive offers
  • Sending them exclusive relevant content
  • Asking for their feedback
  • Greeting them on special occasions
  • Responding to their queries in a timely manner

The good news is you do not actually have to do any of this manually. Most, if not all, email marketing platforms allow you to do all this and more on autopilot. All you have to do is set everything up once and you are good to go.

Question #3: How do I monetise my email leads?

The way you monetise your email leads would ultimately depend on the type of business you are running.

For example, if you have an online store, then you can run email campaigns that guide your email leads towards buying your products.

If you do affiliate marketing, on the other hand, then you can monetise it regularly sending them helpful content that organically showcases the links of your affiliates and encourages each prospect to make purchases through them.

Finally, if you are a course creator, you can provide this leads with a lot of free content—such as tips and webinars—designed to guide them towards signing up for your paid courses.

Question #4: What emails do I send to my email leads?

The type of emails you send your email leads would ultimately depend on three basic things:

  • What are they interested in
  • Where are they in the buyer’s journey
  • What action do you want them to take

Let us take a closer look at each one:

First, just because all your email leads are in one mailing list does not necessarily mean that they are interested in the exact same things. You need to find out what they want and send them emails crafted around it.

Second, you need to also determine where each email lead is in the buyer’s journey to find out what type of email to send them. For example, if they are just doing research at the moment, then it is best to provide them with informational content first instead of trying to close the sale.

Finally, you need to also craft your emails in a way that guides your email leads to the final action you want them to take (e.g., download a report, sign up for an event, or make a purchase).