Email Marketing


What is email marketing?

As the name suggests, email marketing is marketing that is done via email.

If you want a more in-depth understanding of this topic, check out the FAQ section below:

Question #1: What is email marketing for?

Email marketing is primarily used for two things:

  • Promoting products, services, and events
  • Building brand loyalty

Let us take a closer look at each one:

First, you can use it to talk about your products, services, and upcoming events with prospects and existing customers alike. And once a customer makes a purchase or signs up for an event, you can also use it to upsell them to a more expensive product, service, or event.

Second, you can also use it to keep the conversation with your prospects and existing customers going between purchases and events. The goal here is to build a strong bond with them so you stay the top-of-mind brand once they are ready to make a purchase, sign up for an event, or perform any other similar action that is beneficial to your business.

Question #2: What are the keys to a successful email marketing campaign?

The main keys to a successful marketing campaign are:

  • A healthy email list
  • Proper targeting
  • Expertly crafted emails
  • Top-notch products and services

Let us take a look at each one in more detail:

First, to run a successful one, you will need to first build a mailing list filled with people who actually want to hear what you have to say. After all, without it, there would be no one to send your promotional emails to.

Second, you also need to know exactly who your target recipients are and what they want so you can send them emails that they might find useful instead of crafting a generic email, sending it to everyone on your list, and hoping for the best.

Third, you also need to make sure that all the emails you send out are expertly crafted. Sending out poorly written and laid-out emails is a great way to lose the respect and interest of your email list.

Finally, you also need to have top-notch products and/or services because no amount of marketing will make up for terrible offerings. Even if you hire the best email marketers in the world, if your products and services are bad, no one would buy them.

You can check this helpful article from SproutSocial on how to run a successful email marketing campaign.

Question #3: What are the benefits of it?

The main benefits of email marketing include:

  • Scalability
  • Precise targeting
  • Ease of optimisation
  • Engaged audience

Let us take a closer look at each one:

First, these campaigns are extremely easy to scale, thanks to automation. Sending marketing emails to 100,000 people is just as easy as sending them to 10 people, so you can just keep growing your mailing list without worries.

Second, the platforms allow you to easily send the right emails to the right people using email list segmentation.

Third, most email marketing platforms provide you with detailed insights you can use to keep optimising your campaigns for maximum results.

Finally, email marketing allows you to speak directly to an audience that is already eager to hear what you have to say—unlike advertising which is designed to try to win people over by interrupting them.

Question #4: How do I do it?

To do email marketing, you need to first build your list. There are a lot of ways you can do so, but the most common techniques include:

  • Putting up lead magnets that prospects can claim in exchange for their contact information
  • Running contests or promos
  • Putting up a contact form on your website

Once you have your list in place, simply choose the platform and follow the instruction to set up your first email marketing campaign.