Hand Raiser


What is a hand raiser?

The term ‘hand raiser’, also written as hand-raiser, refers to a prospect that voluntarily provides their contact information to a company, usually in exchange for a freebie.

If you want a more in-depth understanding of this topic, check out the FAQ section below:

Question #1: How can I attract a hand raiser?

As we have seen in the previous section, the most common way to attract hand raisers is to offer them something of value in exchange for their information. Examples include:

  1. Discounts
  2. Free ebooks
  3. Free consultations
  4. Free webinars

Let us go over each one in more detail:

Discounts are just that: a way for the prospect to purchase a product or service at a lower price than normal. They are a great way to not only attract hand raisers, but also get them to buy something from you right from the get-go. This, in turn, makes them much easier to upsell later on.

Free ebooks are not only another great way to attract hand raisers, but also to earn their trust by positioning yourself as an expert in your field early on.

Free consultations, on the other hand, are also a powerful way to not only attract hand raisers, but also learn more about them and how you can help them, which, in turn, allows you to come up with a more relevant and compelling sales pitch later on.

Finally, free webinars work just like ebooks, but in video form, which make them way more engaging for a much wider audience. They do not even have to be live. Pre-recorded webinars work just as well as long as you do not market them as live.

Question #2: How can I get my content and lead magnets in front of a hand raiser?

To get your content and lead magnets in front of a hand raiser, you can use:

  • Content marketing
  • Digital advertising

Let us take a closer look at each one:

Content marketing, as the name suggests, involves regularly publishing content, such as articles, social media posts, and videos, that your target customers might find valuable and/or interesting.

Digital advertising, on the other hand, involves running targeted Google or social media ads to get your content and lead magnets in front of as many of your target customers as possible quickly.

Question #3: What are the benefits of attracting hand raisers?

The biggest benefit of attracting hand raisers is that it eliminates the need for you to interrupt prospects using cold outreach techniques to try and get them to listen to what you have to say, allowing you to only pitch to prospects who are already willing to hear you out.

Think about it. When was the last time you were happy to receive a cold call from a telemarketer? And when was the last time such a call made you want to actually buy what they are selling? It has probably been a really long time ago, if at all, right?

Interrupting people and then trying to pitch to them rarely works because it starts the interaction off on the wrong foot. It immediately signals to the prospect that your pitch is way more important to you than their time (and needs), which is obviously not the best way to make a great first impression.

In contrast, offering the prospect something of value first and letting them decide whether or not they want it shows that you not only respect their time, but are also more concerned with addressing their needs, making them, at the very least, more open to hearing you out.

Question #4: What are the risks of attracting hand raisers?

The main risk of attracting hand raisers is that, if you do it incorrectly, you could end up attracting freebie hunters who are not actually interested in what you have to sell. This is why it is important to further qualify any leads you get and only try to pitch to those who are actually willing to spend money on your products and services.