Landing Page Optimization


What is landing page optimization?

Landing page optimization is a digital marketing and conversion optimization technique whose sole objective is to polish or optimize a landing page to boost conversions using hard data, key metrics, and previous experiences.

If you want a more in-depth understanding of this topic, check out the FAQ section below:

Question #1: Why is landing page optimization important to my business?

Landing page optimization is important to your business because your landing pages serve as your online sales personnel, performing the initial interaction and engagement with your customers. A fully optimized landing page attracts the right customers and persuades them to take the action you want them to take. 

You may also compare a landing page to a billboard ad in a high-traffic area. However, the difference between a landing page and a billboard ad is that an optimized landing page has the potential to reach more customers and is more effective in engaging and approaching the best leads—that and a landing page is specifically designed to pitch to your target customers, unlike a billboard that just broadcasts your marketing messages to everyone who passes by

Deploying a well-executed landing page can also help improve your conversion rate with a relatively smaller marketing budget, directly increasing sales and profit.

Question #2: How does landing page optimization work?

Landing page optimization involves improving certain components of your landing page, whether in the design, copy, structure, or all three, to improve your conversion rate.

It is just like equipping your sales staff with the right tools to capture the attention of your target customers, dressing them up to make them more attractive to these customers, and showing them how to best approach these customers to maximise their odds of success.

Question #3: Is it the same as search engine optimization?

No landing page optimization is not the same as search engine optimization. The goal of the former is to boost your conversion rate, whereas the latter is focused on getting you to rank in search so you can drive more qualified traffic to your website (or a specific part of it).

Question #4: How do I measure how effective my landing page optimization efforts are?

You can measure how effective your landing page optimization efforts are by taking a look at your conversion rate. If it is going up, then you are on the right track. If it is not—or worse, going down—then you need to make adjustments.

You can check this useful article from Marinna Decisions to know if you measure your landing page performance the right way.

Question #5: How do I compute my conversion rate?

You can compute your conversion rate using the formula: (Traffic / Conversion) x 100, where traffic is the number of people that visit your landing page and conversion is the number of people that said yes to the offer it contains.

For example, if 100 people visited your landing page and 50 of them signed up for whatever it is you are pitching, then your conversion rate would be:

(100/50) x 100 = 50%

Question #6: What is a good conversion rate to aim for when doing landing page optimization?

There is no set conversion rate to aim for when doing landing page optimization. It depends on your specific industry. Experts, however, seem to agree that anywhere between 2.35% and 10% is a good place to be in.

At the end of the day, though, it may be better to just check your main competitors’ numbers and try to do better than them.

Question #7: How can I optimize my landing page to boost my conversion rate?

To optimize your landing page to boost your conversion rate, you can use the following techniques:

  1. Use heatmaps. Heatmaps are tools that reveal where your target customers’ cursors travel, showing you exactly how they interact with your landing page, which, in turn, would allow you to make the necessary design and layout changes to help them get to the content they want to see more quickly and easily.
  2. Be clear, concise, and compelling. Your goal is to convert, so you need to make sure that your copy is crafted to do just that.
  3. Use eye-catching, strategically placed CTAs. The goal is to ensure they are not only visible but also appear exactly at points in your landing page where the prospect might convert.

But making changes to your landing page is only the first step. You also need to test said changes to see if they work before rolling them out.