List Cleaning


What is list cleaning?

As the name suggests, list cleaning is the process of removing invalid and unengaged email addresses from an email list.

If you want a more in-depth understanding of this topic, check out the FAQ section below:

Question #1: What are the benefits of list cleaning?

The biggest benefits of list cleaning are:

  • Improved open rates
  • Improved engagement and click-through rates
  • Reduced bounce rates
  • Lower risk of getting flagged for spam
  • Lower risk of getting blocked

Let us go over each one in more detail:

First, when you remove invalid and unengaged email addresses from your list, your email open rates automatically go up, which leads to the next benefit: improved engagement and click-through rates.

Simply put, the more recipients you get to actually open your emails, the higher your odds of seeing replies, forwards, and conversions.

Another benefit of keeping your list clean is that it not only saves you from recipients who might flag you as a spammer but also reduces your odds of having your emails bounce, which, in turn, minimises your risk of having your email or entire IP address flagged for spam and blocked by email servers and ISPs.

Question #2: How do I perform this?

The most efficient way to perform list cleaning is to just automate the whole process using your chosen email marketing platform. All you have to do is create filters to automatically single out and remove invalid and unengaged email addresses from your list, such as:

  • Email addresses that repeatedly bounce
  • Email addresses that have not engaged with any of your emails within a certain period of time

Let us take a closer look at each one:

First, take note that we said to remove email addresses that repeatedly bounce and not those that just bounced once. You would not want to accidentally remove otherwise engaged recipients just because their email inbox was full one time, for example, right?

Second, you should also not automatically remove recipients that have not engaged with just your last couple of emails because it could be just because they are not interested in your most recent content. You should instead focus on those that have been ignoring your emails for at least six months.

Question #3: Is it always a good idea?

The short answer is yes, list cleaning is always a good idea—but only if you do it right.

As we have seen in the previous section, it is not just about blindly removing any email address that bounces or ignores your emails. You need to figure out exactly which ones are actually invalid and permanently unengaged.

Also, instead of focusing solely on cleaning out your email list, you should also consider putting better opt-in systems in place so you can filter out bad email addresses right from the get-go. Instead of just trying to get as many people as possible to join your list, concentrate on attracting more of those who actually want to hear what you have to say (and buy what you have to sell).

Here’s a blog from Tye, for more on email list cleaning best practices and services.

Question #5: Should I always include unengaged email addresses in my list cleaning sessions?

No, you should not always include unengaged email addresses in your list cleaning sessions. The first step is to try to re-engage them first using techniques such as:

  1. Luring them back in with a special offer
  2. Getting their feedback and making the necessary adjustments
  3. Check if they still want to receive communication from you

Let us go over each one in more detail:

First, you can try getting inactive recipients back into the conversation by simply offering them special offers such as discounts, exclusive content, and other perks.

Second, you can also just ask them what they think of the content you are sending them and what else they want to see in the future so you can make the necessary adjustments.

Finally, you can also just ask them directly if they still want to receive communication from you.

Once you have tried to re-engage your inactive recipients and they still keep ignoring your emails, then that is the time to remove them from your list.